24.03.2022 Noam Chomsky, Fabian Scheidler: The Crisis of Civilization and "The End of the Megamachine"

Noam Chomsky, linguist and author of more than 100 books, University of Arizona

Fabian Scheidler, co-founder of Kontext TV, author of "The End of the Megamachine. A Brief History of a Failing Civilization"

Moderated by Nermeen Shaikh, co-host of Democracynow

24.03.2022 The Looming Collapse of the USA and the EU

Noam Chomsky, linguist and author of more than 100 books, University of Arizona

Fabian Scheidler, co-founder of Kontext TV, author of "The End of the Megamachine. A Brief History of a Failing Civilization"

Moderated by Nermeen Shaikh, co-host of Democracynow

15.05.2018 Norman Finkelstein on Israel-Palestine: „I Think that Gandhian Tactics Can Work”

Norman Finkelstein, political scientist from the U.S. and author of several books about the Israel-Palestine conflict. His latest book is: “Gaza. An Inquest into Its Martyrdom”

07.02.2017 Edward Snowden: Lifting the Shield of Government Secrecy

Edward Snowden, whistleblower and civil rights activist, former CIA and NSA employee

02.12.2016 The Syria Complex and Blocked Diplomacy

Phyllis Bennis, Institute for Policy Studies, Washington D.C.

04.11.2016 Clinton vs. Trump: "Enormous Dangers on Both Sides"

Phyllis Bennis: Institute for Policy Studies, Washington D.C.

20.05.2015 Immanuel Wallerstein: The Global Systemic Crisis and the Struggle for a Post-Capitalist World

Immanuel Wallerstein, senior research scholar at Yale University, USA. Co-founder of the world-systems analysis. From 1994-1998 president of the International Sociological Association. Author of numerous books, including "The Modern World-System".

20.05.2015 The Powerless Superpower: Why the US Empire is Crumbling in spite of Military Force / TTP and TTIP as Hegemonic Strategies Failing

Immanuel Wallerstein, senior research scholar at Yale University, USA. Co-founder of the world-systems analysis. From 1994-1998 president of the International Sociological Association. Author of numerous books, including "The Modern World-System".

23.09.2014 The Struggle for the Commons

Silvia Federici, professor emerita for Political Philosophy at Hofstra University, Long Island, NY; political activist and author of several books, including "Caliban and the Witch"

Michael Albert 07.02.2014 Participatory Economy - An Alternative to the Always-Crisis

Michael Albert: US writer, activist and economist, co-founder of ZMag and t ZNet, author of "Realizing Hope. Life Beyond Capitalism" and "Parecon" ("Participatory Economics")

25.10.2013 Jeremy Scahill: The Expansion of the War Zone

Jeremy Scahill: National Security correspondent of "The Nation", author of "Dirty Wars. The World Is a Battlefield" and "Blackwater. The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army"

10.10.2013 The Logics of Expulsion: Permanent Crisis, Land Grabbing and Surveillance

Saskia Sassen, professor of sociology at Columbia University, New York, visiting professor at the London School of Economics, author of "The Global City"

10.06.2013 Noam Chomsky: Western Rogue Politics

Noam Chomsky, Professor of Linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge/USA, and political activist

Dirty Wars 03.05.2013 "Dirty Wars": How the US Declares the World a Battlefield
Jeremy Scahill: National Security correspondent of "The Nation", author of "Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army"
Richard Rowley: War correspondent, director of "Dirty Wars", won award at Sundance Film Festival 2013 for "Dirty Wars"
Noam Chomsky: Linguist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US critic, author of several books including "Hegemony or Survival" and "Manufacturing Consent"
Amy Goodman: Founder and host of "Democracy Now", first journalist to have received the Alternative Nobel Prize ("Right Livelihood Award")
21.02.2013 A Corporate Coup d'Etat: The U.S. at the Brink of Neo-Feudalism

Chris Hedges, senior fellow at the Nation Institute; former foreign correspondent for the New York Times; Pulitzer Prize in 2002. His latest book is "Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt".

18.01.2013 Amy Goodman: The Silenced Majority

Amy Goodman: founder, producer and host of the newscast Democracy Now, Right Livelihood Award laureate, author of "The Silenced Majority", New York City

03.01.2013 China, India, Pakistan for Abolition of Nuclear Weapons / Russia, US still opposed

Alyn Ware, Member of the World Future Council and Global Coordinator of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (PNND), Right Livelihood Award laureate

Bill McKibben 05.12.2012 Climate Chaos: The Fight against Exxon, BP & Co.

Bill McKibben: Environmental Journalist and Activist, Founder of the grassroots global warming movement, Author of "The End of Nature", Middlebury, USA

02.11.2012 The Other America
Amy Goodman: Host of Democracy Now!, Right Livelihood Award laureate and author of "The Silenced Majority"
Medea Benjamin: Founder of Code Pink und Author of "Drone Warfare"
Michael Albert: Founder of ZCommunications and South End Press, author of "Realizing Hope. Life beyond Capitalism"
Bill McKibben: Environmental Journalist and activist, founder of, author of "The End of Nature"
Vivek Chibber: sociologist at the New York University, works at the Brecht Forum und Left Forum
Benjamin Day: activist with MassCare
John Nichols: Correspondent of "The Nation", author of "Uprising. From Wisconsin to Wall Street"
24.11.2011 "The System Has No Way of Solving The Problem.": U.S. Economist Richard Wolff about the Crisis in the U.S. and Europe

Richard Wolff: Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, USA

28.09.2011 Phyllis Bennis: Pakistan As The Real Target of U.S. / Despite American Deficit: One Billion Dollar for War

Phyllis Bennis, Institute for Policy Studies, Washington D.C.

29.06.2011 USA: Accelerated Decline of a Superpower

Immanuel Wallerstein, Senior Research Scholar at Yale University, USA. Co-Founder of the World-Systems Theory, President of the International Sociological Association from 1994-1998 and Author of numerous books

24.03.2010 Noam Chomsky Interview

Noam Chomsky, Professor of Linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge/USA, and political activist