12.01.2017 |
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Karman: The Forgotten War in Jemen Tawakkol Karman, journalist and political activist. In 2011 she received the Nobel Peace Prize for her fight for democracy in the Arab Spring. |
25.10.2013 |
Africom and Drone Warfare: Germany Enables US Assassination Program / Trend to Paramilitary Law Enforcement also in Europe Jeremy Scahill: National Security correspondent of "The Nation", author of "Dirty Wars. The World Is a Battlefield" and "Blackwater. The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army" |
25.10.2013 |
Syria, Somalia and Afghanistan: Disastrous Military Strategies of US, Nato / German Citizens Targeted in “Dirty Wars” Jeremy Scahill: National Security correspondent of "The Nation", author of "Dirty Wars. The World Is a Battlefield" and "Blackwater. The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army" |
25.10.2013 |
Jeremy Scahill: The Expansion of the War Zone Jeremy Scahill: National Security correspondent of "The Nation", author of "Dirty Wars. The World Is a Battlefield" and "Blackwater. The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army" |
03.05.2013 |
"Dirty Wars": How the US Declares the World a Battlefield Jeremy Scahill: National Security correspondent of "The Nation", author of "Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army"
Richard Rowley: War correspondent, director of "Dirty Wars", won award at Sundance Film Festival 2013 for "Dirty Wars"
Noam Chomsky: Linguist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US critic, author of several books including "Hegemony or Survival" and "Manufacturing Consent"
Amy Goodman: Founder and host of "Democracy Now", first journalist to have received the Alternative Nobel Prize ("Right Livelihood Award")
02.02.2012 |
Egypt's Unfinished Revolution Sharif Abdel Kouddous, Cairo, correspondent for the independent US-newscast Democracynow, fellow at The Nation Institute
28.03.2011 |
Scramble for Africa: Revolutions, Interventions, Land Grabbing and Free Trade Samir Amin (Third World Forum, Cairo/Dakar)
Michel Chossudovsky (Author of "Globalization of Poverty", Research Centre on Globalization, Canada)
Mamdouh Habashi (International Forum for Alternatives, Cairo)
Nnimmo Bassey (Chair of Friends of the Earth International, Nigeria, and Right Livelihood Award laureate)
Wangui Mbatia (People's Parliament, Nairobi)
Eric Toussaint (Commitee for the Cancellation of Third World Debts, CADTM, Belgium)
Immanuel Wallerstein (Yale University, USA)
Evelyn Bahn (Inkota Network)
Ibrahim Coulibaly (La Via Campesina / Coordination Nationale des Organisations Paysannes du Mail)
Nicola Bullard (Focus on the Global South, Bangkok)
07.03.2011 |
World Social Forum in Dakar: Struggle for Another World Samir Amin (Third World Forum, Dakar)
Nnimmo Bassey (Chair of Friends of the Earth International, Nigeria, Right Livelihood Award laureate)
Nicola Bullard (Focus on the Global South, Thailand)
Susan George (Transnational Institute / Attac France)
Wangui Mbatia (People's Parliament, Kenia)
Pat Mooney (ETC Group, Canada, Right Livelihood Award laureate)
Jai Sen (CACIM, India)
Immanuel Wallerstein (Yale University, USA)
Chico Whitacker (co-founder of the WSF, Brazil, Right Livelihood Award laureate)
and many others