Climate and Ecology

24.03.2022 Noam Chomsky, Fabian Scheidler: The Crisis of Civilization and "The End of the Megamachine"

Noam Chomsky, linguist and author of more than 100 books, University of Arizona

Fabian Scheidler, co-founder of Kontext TV, author of "The End of the Megamachine. A Brief History of a Failing Civilization"

Moderated by Nermeen Shaikh, co-host of Democracynow

11.02.2022 Asad Rehman: Climate Crisis and Global Injustice Must Be Overcome Simultaneously

Asad Rehman is director of War on Want. He was head for international climate at Friends of the Earth. Rehman has also served on boards of Amnesty International UK, Friends of the Earth International and Global Justice Now. He is a spokesperson for COP26 Coalition, an organization organizing the protests and the Peoples Summit for Climate Justice in Glasgow at COP26.

02.12.2021 Indigenous Amalia Vargas (Minga Indígena) Criticizes Climate Ignorance of Rich Countries

Amalia Vargas is an environmentalist form Argentinia and with Minga Indigenas, a group of indigenous tribes of the Americas

12.11.2021 Kevin Anderson: The Reality behind Climate Politics, the "Davos-Cluster" and Real Hope

Kevin Anderson is renowned climate scientist and former director of the Tyndall Center for Climate Change Research

12.11.2021 Nnimmo Bassey on Bloody Oil Politics, Fake Climate Ambition and the Rebellion of the Youth

Nnimmo Bassey is a Nigerian environmentalist and poet, director of Health of Mother Earth Foundation, until 2012 chair of Friends of the Earth International and recipient of the Alternative Nobel Prize. Time Magazine in 2009 named him one of the "Heroes of the Environment".

Kumi Naidoo 10.11.2021 Kumi Naidoo about Greenwashing, Eco Racism and the Fight for Climate Justice

Kumi Naidoo is a South African environmental and human rights activist. He served as secretary general of Amnesty International from August 2018 to December 2019. He was director of Greenpeace from November 2009 to December 2015. He was the first African to head the organization. Naidoo is currently a fellow at the Robert Bosch Academy in Berlin.

Vandana Shiva, Fabian Scheidler: Ecocide, industrial agriculture and the Megamachine 18.09.2020 Vandana Shiva, Fabian Scheidler: Ecocide, Industrial Agriculture and the Megamachine

Vandana Shiva, seed activist and scholar, founder of, member of the World Future Council

Fabian Scheidler, co-founder of Kontext TV, author of "The End of the Megamachine. A brief History of a Failing Civilization"

Hosted by Nermeen Shaikh, co-host of Democracynow

23.03.2020 The Wrong Apocalypse: Why Covid-19 has provoked a state of emergency worldwide, while the climate crisis has not
Blogbeitrag von: Fabian Scheidler
27.02.2019 George Monbiot: Alienation, Environmental Breakdown and the Search for a New Progressive Narrative

George Monbiot, columnist with the Guardian und author of Heat: How to Stop the Planet Burning and Out of the Wreckage. A New Politics for an Age of Crisis

10.03.2016 Climate Justice: A Fight between Rich and Poor
Kayah George, Lummi Nation, USA
Aile Javo, President of the Saami Council, Norway
Themba Austin Chauke, La Via Campesina, South Africa
Mariama Williams, The South Centre, Geneva / Jamaica
Pablo Solón, former chief climate negotiator for Bolivia
Alice Bows-Larkin, climate scientist, Tyndall Centre (UK)
Kevin Anderson, climate scientist, co-dIrector Tyndall Centre
Tim Gore, Oxfam International, author of the study "Extreme Carbon Inequality"
Janet Redman, Institute for Policy Studies, Washington D.C.
Lyda Fernanda Forero, Transnational Institute, Amsterdam / Columbia
Tadzio Müller, Rosa Luxemburg Foudation, Germany
10.03.2016 Climate Chaos has Begun: Droughts, Floods, Melting Permafrost, and Tipping Points
Kayah George, Lummi Nation, USA
Aile Javo, President of the Saami Council, Norway
Themba Austin Chauke, La Via Campesina, South Africa
Mariama Williams, The South Centre, Geneva / Jamaica
Pablo Solón, former chief climate negotiator for Bolivia
Alice Bows-Larkin, climate scientist, Tyndall Centre (UK)
Kevin Anderson, climate scientist, co-dIrector Tyndall Centre
21.12.2015 COP 21 in Paris: An Inhumane Climate Deal

Juliette Rousseau, Head "Coalition Climat 21"
Bill McKibben, Founder ""
Nnimmo Bassey, Climate Activist, Nigeria
Themba Austin Chauke, "La Via Campesina"
Pablo Solón, Former Chief Climate Negotiator, Bolivia
Nicola Bullard, Writer and Activist
Alice Bows-Larkin, Climate Scientist "Tyndall Centre"
Mariama Williams, "The South Centre"
Tim Gore, Head Policy Research, "Oxfam International"
Kevin Anderson, Climate Scientist, Deputy Director "Tyndall Centre"
Tadzio Müller, Climate Activist, "Rosa Luxemburg Foundation"
Janet Redman, "Institute for Policy Studies"
Lyda Fernanda Forero, "Transnational Institute"

01.04.2015 Naomi Klein: Capitalism vs. Climate

Naomi Klein: Canadian journalist, activist and best-selling author ("This Changes Everything. Capitalism vs. The Climate", "No Logo" and "The Shock Doctrine")

23.09.2014 The Struggle for the Commons

Silvia Federici, professor emerita for Political Philosophy at Hofstra University, Long Island, NY; political activist and author of several books, including "Caliban and the Witch"

19.09.2014 People's Climate March: Resistance against Climate Crimes

Nnimmo Bassey, Nigerian climate activist, chair of the board of Environmental Rights Action; from 2008 to 2012 chair of Friends of the Earth International; author of “To Cook a Continent”; Right Livelihood Award laureate

20.06.2013 "Plundering the Planet" – the new Report to the Club of Rome

Ugo Bardi, professor for physical chemistry at the University of Florence, author of the Report to the Club of Rome "Plundering the Planet"

03.01.2013 "Civil" Nuclear Energy in Germany and Sweden Originally Part of Military Option

Alyn Ware, Member of the World Future Council and Global Coordinator of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (PNND), Right Livelihood Award laureate

Bill McKibben 05.12.2012 Climate Chaos: The Fight against Exxon, BP & Co.

Bill McKibben: Environmental Journalist and Activist, Founder of the grassroots global warming movement, Author of "The End of Nature", Middlebury, USA

02.11.2012 The Other America
Amy Goodman: Host of Democracy Now!, Right Livelihood Award laureate and author of "The Silenced Majority"
Medea Benjamin: Founder of Code Pink und Author of "Drone Warfare"
Michael Albert: Founder of ZCommunications and South End Press, author of "Realizing Hope. Life beyond Capitalism"
Bill McKibben: Environmental Journalist and activist, founder of, author of "The End of Nature"
Vivek Chibber: sociologist at the New York University, works at the Brecht Forum und Left Forum
Benjamin Day: activist with MassCare
John Nichols: Correspondent of "The Nation", author of "Uprising. From Wisconsin to Wall Street"
02.07.2012 The Fight for Water Justice

Maude Barlow, Council of Canadians/Blue Planet Project, Right Livelihood Award Laureate ("Alternative Nobel Prize")
Wenonah Hauter, Executive Director of Food and Water Watch, Washington DC
Oscar Olivera, water activist from Cochabamba, Bolivia
Mary Ann Manahan, Focus on the Global South, Manila
Olcay Ünver, Coordinator of the UNESCO Water Assessment Programme
Gelinde Schermer, Berlin Water Table

02.07.2012 Fracking: Threatening Ground Water Resources Worldwide

Wenonah Hauter, Executive Director of Food and Water Watch, Washington DC

01.11.2011 Nnimmo Bassey: Oil Crimes and Ways Out of the Climate Chaos

Nnimmo Bassey, Chair of Friends of the Earth International and Awardee of the Right Livelihood Award laureate (Alternative Nobel Prize), Nigeria

02.08.2011 Vandana Shiva on the dark side of economic growth in today's India

Vandana Shiva, ecologist and women’s rights activist, Right Livelihood Award laureate

08.06.2011 Growth and Collapse?
Vandana Shiva, Civil Rights Activist and Ecologist, India; Right Livelihood Award laureate
Tim Jackson, Professor of Sustainable Development at the University of Surrey, England. Author of the book "Prosperity without Growth" 
05.04.2011 Russian Roulette with the Planet: Nano Technology, Geo Engineering, and other Risk Technologies
Pat Mooney, Right Livelihood Award laureate and director of the „Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration“ (ETC), Canada
07.03.2011 Crisis of the Earth System: What are Movements doing?
Jai Sen, CACIM, India
Samir Amin, Third World Forum, Dakar
Winni Overbeck, Global Rainforest Movement, Paraguay
Susan George, Transnational Institute / Attac France
Pat Mooney, ETC Group, Canada
Azril Bacal, Paulo Freire Institute, Brazil / Sweden
Immanuel Wallerstein, Yale University, USA