24.03.2022 Noam Chomsky, Fabian Scheidler: The Crisis of Civilization and "The End of the Megamachine"
11.02.2022 Asad Rehman: Climate Crisis and Global Injustice Must Be Overcome Simultaneously
02.12.2021 Indigenous Amalia Vargas (Minga Indígena) Criticizes Climate Ignorance of Rich Countries
12.11.2021 Kevin Anderson: The Reality behind Climate Politics, the "Davos-Cluster" and Real Hope
12.11.2021 Nnimmo Bassey on Bloody Oil Politics, Fake Climate Ambition and the Rebellion of the Youth
Kumi Naidoo 10.11.2021 Kumi Naidoo about Greenwashing, Eco Racism and the Fight for Climate Justice
28.04.2021 “If You Do Not Speak Out against Injustice, You Become Complicit in It”: Jewish Scholar Sara Roy on Gaza, Israel and the Occupation
Vandana Shiva, Fabian Scheidler: Ecocide, industrial agriculture and the Megamachine 18.09.2020 Vandana Shiva, Fabian Scheidler: Ecocide, Industrial Agriculture and the Megamachine
27.02.2019 George Monbiot: Alienation, Environmental Breakdown and the Search for a New Progressive Narrative
15.05.2018 Norman Finkelstein on Israel-Palestine: „I Think that Gandhian Tactics Can Work”
07.06.2017 David Graeber: From Occupy Wall Street to the Revolution in Rojava
27.04.2017 Srećko Horvat: Another Europe Is Possible
07.03.2017 Richard Wolff: The Angry Working Class and the Quest for a New Economic Order
07.02.2017 Edward Snowden: Lifting the Shield of Government Secrecy
12.01.2017 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Karman: The Forgotten War in Jemen
02.12.2016 The Syria Complex and Blocked Diplomacy
04.11.2016 Clinton vs. Trump: "Enormous Dangers on Both Sides"
10.03.2016 Climate Justice: A Fight between Rich and Poor
15.02.2016 Yanis Varoufakis: Democracy vs. EU Collapse
21.12.2015 COP 21 in Paris: An Inhumane Climate Deal
16.10.2015 Chaos and Permanent War: How US Foreign Policy destabilizes the Middle East and East Europe
20.05.2015 Immanuel Wallerstein: The Global Systemic Crisis and the Struggle for a Post-Capitalist World
01.04.2015 Naomi Klein: Capitalism vs. Climate
23.09.2014 The Struggle for the Commons
19.09.2014 People's Climate March: Resistance against Climate Crimes
23.05.2014 "Fascism Inc.": Greece and the Rise of the Extreme Right in Europe
Michael Albert 07.02.2014 Participatory Economy - An Alternative to the Always-Crisis
25.10.2013 Jeremy Scahill: The Expansion of the War Zone
21.10.2013 Jeremy Scahill: "We Hit the Jackpot"
10.10.2013 The Logics of Expulsion: Permanent Crisis, Land Grabbing and Surveillance
20.06.2013 "Plundering the Planet" – the new Report to the Club of Rome
10.06.2013 Noam Chomsky: Western Rogue Politics
Dirty Wars 03.05.2013 "Dirty Wars": How the US Declares the World a Battlefield
21.02.2013 A Corporate Coup d'Etat: The U.S. at the Brink of Neo-Feudalism
18.01.2013 Amy Goodman: The Silenced Majority
03.01.2013 Towards a World Free of Nuclear Weapons
14.12.2012 Suppressed Peace - Israel, Iran and the Arab Revolution
Bill McKibben 05.12.2012 Climate Chaos: The Fight against Exxon, BP & Co.
02.11.2012 The Other America
02.07.2012 The Fight for Water Justice
02.02.2012 Egypt's Unfinished Revolution
24.11.2011 "The System Has No Way of Solving The Problem.": U.S. Economist Richard Wolff about the Crisis in the U.S. and Europe
01.11.2011 Nnimmo Bassey: Oil Crimes and Ways Out of the Climate Chaos
31.10.2011 EU Troika Drives Greece into Humanitarian Crisis
28.09.2011 Afghanistan - A Necessary War?
02.08.2011 Vandana Shiva on the dark side of economic growth in today's India
29.06.2011 Immanuel Wallerstein: Limits to Capitalism
20.06.2011 Europe in Peril: Debts And Social Cuts
08.06.2011 Growth and Collapse?
05.04.2011 Russian Roulette with the Planet: Nano Technology, Geo Engineering, and other Risk Technologies
28.03.2011 Scramble for Africa: Revolutions, Interventions, Land Grabbing and Free Trade
07.03.2011 World Social Forum in Dakar: Struggle for Another World
24.03.2010 Noam Chomsky Interview